Wednesday, March 18, 2015

March 19, 1:50pm (NZ time)

Members in New Zealand will be putting 2,000 food boxes together this weekend. The boxes will be assembled by "Mormon Helping Hands" volunteers from the Mt Roskill Stake. The Church has chartered an Air New Zealand plane to transport 700 of the boxes this Monday. The remaining 1,300 boxes will be sent via commercial flights next week. The food selections were done by members in Vanuatu.


  1. What can we do to help from the US?

  2. We've been told the best way is through donations to LDS Philanthropies.

  3. Another very good way to help is to donate on your tithing slip to "Humanitarian Aid".

  4. All those in the Kaska Gaua group are doing great and they are safe. All the missionaries are okay.
