Wednesday, March 18, 2015

March 19, 4:01pm (NZ time)

NEWS RELEASE - AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND — 19 March 2015, 4.01pm
All Latter-day Saint missionaries in the Vanuatu Port Vila Mission are now accounted for, safe and well. The 11 Latter-day Saint missionaries who were on the Vanuatu island of Tanna when Cyclone Pam hit last weekend are now back in Port Vila. The six missionaries on the island of Ambae are also accounted for and safe. Where possible, missionaries throughout the nation are distributing food and other supplies to communities in need, and assisting people in other ways.


  1. Thanks so much for working so tirelessly to ensure our missionaries safety and helping us parents through this challenging ordeal!

  2. We were so happy to hear that all the missionaries were safe. We knew 2 days ahead of the storm that it was coming, so President Brewer had all the missionaries take proper precautions.
